Tanzloft Essen

Tanzloft Essen 1

Opening hours

Do you enjoy dancing and happen to be looking for a dance school in Essen city centre that specializes in standard dances? Then the Tanzloft in the Rathaus Galerie Essen is the right place for you. Because here, dance connects people. Take some time out and immerse yourself in the world of dance diversity. Whether it’s a slow waltz, an exciting jive or a sensual rumba.

A wide range of dance courses from the various disciplines awaits you here:

  • Standard & Latin
  • Salsa
  • Discofox

What makes the dance school in Essen so unique?

You will learn in a modern atmosphere from a professional in person, as the dance courses for teenagers and adults are led and taught by Let’s Dance professional dancer Katja Kalugina and her team of dance instructors. With the opening of her own dance school, a real dream has come true.

The school’s flexible course system

Courses with the same content are offered several times a week at the dance school. This means you are not tied to fixed dates if something should come up. You alone decide the pace, which also means that you decide when you want to move to a higher course level.

The DJ team provides the ultimate fun factor during the workshop. Whether new releases or the all-time classics, there is something for everyone.

Wedding dance classes

Attention prospective wedding couples, because you, your witnesses, friends and guests are also very welcome at the dance school. Regular courses are offered in which you learn the most important steps and figures from the disco fox, the slow waltz and the Viennese waltz.

Still looking for a gift?

How about a dance voucher? Give the gift of precious time as a couple or time with friends and contribute to unforgettable moments. You can create your voucher from the comfort of your sofa in no time at all, and you can also print it out directly from home. The only condition is that it can only be redeemed for new or existing Tanzloft memberships.

Further locations of the Tanzloft:

  • Karlsruhe
  • Mannheim
  • Saarland
  • Trier

Good to know: Extraordinary events are being planned in cooperation with the Rathaus-Galerie Essen, but shh, you didn’t get that from us 🙂