Horsthemke bakery

Horsthemke bakery 1 Stores
Horsthemke bakery 2 Stores

Opening hours

The traditional bakery HORSTHEMKE delights customers in the Rathaus-Galerie Essen with a large selection of high-quality bread, baked goods and snacks. The smell of freshly baked bread, delicious cakes and freshly brewed coffee will delight you. The bakery also has a spacious café area where you can enjoy your fresh coffee or bread roll. The bakery was founded by Franz Horsthemke in 1895 and today has over 100 branches in NRW.

Large selection and natural freshness in the shopping mall

The selection of excellent, freshly baked bread at HORSTHEMKE is almost legendary. Only selected natural raw materials are used and make every piece a delight. With 35 different types of bread, the Horsthemke bakery offers a wide range of ground grain products and baking methods. On top of this, the necessary ingredients for bread and pastries are sourced from local producers in order to achieve maximum freshness and quality. In addition to fresh bread rolls and delicious pastries, the bakery also offers hot and cold snacks for in-between meals or for lunch, for both small and large appetites. You will find the following products in the range:

  • Bread roll

  • Breads

  • Cake

  • Pastry

  • Snacks

  • Coffee specialties

Chic café and freshly brewed coffee

The chic café in the Rathaus Galerie invites you to linger and relax and offers space for around 60 guests. Be inspired by the large selection of fresh, delicious cakes and baked goods. Of course, cake is always accompanied by a fresh cup of coffee. The HORSTHEMKE bakery has come up with something very special. The coffee is freshly prepared in front of the customers and each cup is brewed individually, just like grandma used to do. There are Arabica and Robusta coffee varieties, which are prepared into a variety of coffee specialties. These include: Capucchino, latte and latte macchiato or an espresso.

The café in the shopping center is also open on Sundays, so enjoy a delicious coffee and a piece of cake in the Rathaus Galerie!