
Boom 1 Stores
Boom 2 Stores

Opening hours

Something for everyone

Boom is one of our popular fashion stores in the Rathaus Galerie Essen. They offer seasonally changing women’s clothing, shoes and accessories on a large sales floor. So you can find a complete outfit for every season at Boom and make it an absolute eye-catcher with the large selection. There is something to suit every fit and every dress size. See for yourself!

The range

Boom has clothes for every taste and trend. In addition to “basic” garments, such as tops or jackets, there are also many eye-catchers that reflect current trends. There is also a large selection of dresses that are suitable for every occasion. Whether it’s a wedding, prom or casual chic – you’ll find a suitable dress at Boom. Of course, the trendy blazer is also a must at Boom and is available in various colors and looks. To complete the look, you will of course also find matching bags and shoes for every occasion. Both modern sneakers and chic high heels are available in the range at any time of year.