Bijou Brigitte

Bijou Brigitte 1 Stores

Opening hours

Bijou Brigitte, which is also represented in our Rathaus Galerie Essen, is the place to go if you are looking for fashionable accessories. Not only timeless classics can be found there, but also a wide range of current jewelry trends, including ethnic and boho jewelry. High-quality jewelry made of 925 sterling silver, feathers, tassels or colorful beads at fair prices.

What makes Bijou Brigitte stand out?

Bijou Brigitte has been making costume jewelry for over 50 years, making it the leading manufacturer of costume jewelry. There is the right accessory for every occasion, whether it’s an office day or an upcoming wedding reception. The friendly and professional staff will be happy to advise you during opening hours on your next jewelry purchase, whether earrings or hair accessories, so that you leave the store with a smile on your face.
One thing is for sure, with a visit to Bijou Brigitte, your jewelry box and that of your youngest customers will definitely no longer remain empty.